About Us
Insight Human Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) accredited non-profit provider of substance abuse and mental health services in more than 50 counties across North Carolina. Our corporate offices are located in the heart of downtown Winston-Salem.
Insight was founded in Winston-Salem in 1970 as the Council on Drug Abuse, or CODA, to address the rising drug abuse problem in Forsyth County. In 1986, the Board of Directors changed our name to STEP ONE, Inc. At the time, STEP ONE was the first substance abuse agency in North Carolina to provide childcare for clients.
In the 90s, we added Justice Services as well as Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC). As we evolved into prevention and expanded treatment programs offered, we became Partnership for a Drug-Free NC in 2003.
Board members and employees desired an opportunity to focus on the well-rounded and unique approach we have to prevention, intervention, and treatment, so in 2015 we re-branded as Insight Human Services with an emphasis on collaboration, stability, quality, and integrity. Clients and stakeholders alike will experience a passionate commitment to client wellness, a diverse and multi-skilled staff, and forward-thinking, responsible leadership.
Insight is CARF accredited and receives funding from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Department of Public Safety, the United Way of Forsyth County, and many county governments.
Insight strives to offer the highest quality care to reduce the negative impacts of substance misuse and mental illness in the communities we serve.
To offer hope, help and healing to people, families, and communities.
Collaboration, Integrity, Stability, and Quality.
Board of Directors
Dr. Elizabeth Hodges Shilling, PhD, Chair
Mr. Michael Brooks, PhD, Vice-Chair
Sgt. Hashon Geddings, Secretary
Mr. David Daggett, JD
Ms. Candice Dixon, LCMHC-S,CSOTP,C-PD
Mr. Ben Loftis
Dr. Preston R. Miller, MD
Rev. Bob Nations, DMin
Mr. Joey Perkins
Mr. Charles Shanlever
Mr. David Wooten
James Harner | Chief Executive Officer
John Reynolds | Chief Financial Officer
Michael Gray | Vice President, Justice
Terri Fowler | Vice President, Prevention
Eric Stone | Director of Operations
Lisette Malarchik | Human Resources Director
Stan Holder | Chief Clinical Director
Judy Fradenburg | Quality Assurance Director